4 Noninvasive Ways to Increase Your Home's Value

Ultimately, you want to show prospective buyers that your home is valuable, and you do that by showing that you treat your home with respect.  If you hate your home and it shows, why do you think someone else would want to pay top dollar for it?  Even if you do hate it, make it appear that you love it.  Here are a few simple, noninvasive things you can do to increase the value of your home.



I don’t think you need to remove everything off every surface and have everything in it’s perfect place.  If you have things that you can put away, put them away.  If you’ve saved up some old magazines that you never got around to looking through again, now might be a good time to ditch them.


Now that the excess stuff is gone, just tidy up.  Get a magic eraser and do a quick walk through.  Maybe go through and polish all the faucets and door knobs.  It doesn’t have to be a deep clean, but more than the weekly routine.  This is especially important if you have pets or children.  A child’s toy chest filled with toys is fine.  Headless barbie on the floor and crayon on the wall is not.

Highlight Features

If your home has great light, make sure the windows are clean!  You’d think that would be an obvious first step, but let me tell you, it doesn’t always get done.  Let’s say your home has great storage.  Make it look good; organize the closets.  You want to show prospective buyers how well the home can work.

Don’t Forget the Exterior

If your home is a single family, you don’t have to go crazy landscaping, but you can.  At least make sure nothing is overgrown, lawn is mowed, leaves are raked.  If you live in a condo, you’ll have a little less control, but it doesn’t hurt to ask the association to freshen things up if it looks like it needs it.  On your end, it’s not going to hurt to put flowers in the lobby or common area outside your condo’s entrance.  Your Realtor should actually do that for you.  I would.


So, there you have it.  Those are some of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to immediately increase the value of your home.  You want your home to tell a story, and you want it to be a good one.  It’s easier for a buyer to imagine themselves loving living in your home, if they think you do.

If you’re looking to sell your home, I’d be happy to buy flowers for your lobby!  Please feel free to call or text me at 617 528 8461, or email me at willy.charleton@nemoves.com.